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Is Microsoft Bribing Asus to Suppress Linux Eee PC?

Homer's picture

Microsoft up to their old tricks again?

iTWire - $50 more for Linux Eee PC 900 – what gives Asus?

And there we were believing that we could trust a vendor like Asus. The line they’ve spun to journalists in Australia about the Linux Asus Eee PC 900 being $50 more than the Windows version because it has more storage is a load of bull. Overseas, both models are the same price!

I know the Vole is in crisis at the moment, what with losing 30 Billion USD on their failed Yahoo! assimilation, and the ULPC (Ultra Low-cost PC) market being dominated by GNU/Linux, but this kind of tactic (if it turns out to be true) is a new low for the Redmond gangsters. And let's face it, it very likely is true. I mean this is Microsoft we're talking about.

Like the emerging markets in developing countries, the ULPC market is crucial to Windows' continued survival, much like OOXML is crucial to MS Office's continued survival, which probably explains why the Vole is frantically bribing and corrupting so prolifically in order to ensure its continued dominance [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6].

Bizniz® as usual for Microsoft, then.