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Intellectual Insanity

I'm sometimes accused of having a rather inflexible attitude towards freedom, leaning too far towards idealism, and seemingly incapable of accepting pragmatism. The fact is, however, that those who preach pragmatism are mostly hypocrites, who ostensibly extend olive branches of compromise, but with no genuine intention of making concessions, instead continuing their intractable agenda of oppression - unabated. Rarely do I ever see any progress that favours the side of freedom. In reality, pragmatism is nothing more than a euphemism for the oppressed surrendering unconditionally to their oppressors. To perceive it otherwise, is to indulge in denial.

So it is with one particularly virulent strain of oppression called "Intellectual Property", or more accurately "Intellectual Monopoly", the bastard son of the unholy triumvirate - Copyrights; Patents and Trademarks.

Microsoft Sells Out America

Lou Dobbs Tonight

More H-1B visas?

CNN's Louise Schiavone reports on the push from billionaire Bill Gates to allow more workers into the U.S. on H-1B visas.

Fawning members of congress fail to challenge Bill Gates, as he sells out America for cheap foreign labour.

Microsoft Bribes Professors to Peddle the Vole's Warez

Another new low for the Redmond gangsters.

The Chronicle: Information Technology: 04/24/98

Microsoft is "trying to make them advertising agents of their wares," says Albert Borgman, a philosophy professor at the University of Montana at Missoula who has written about technology and its effect on society. "This is going beyond the pale."